Category: Humor

Technical Difficulties, please hold…

I dropped my phone and busted the screen, and that is what I do all things non-work on. So, please bear with me while I develop a work around 🙂 PS. I am hell on phones, so why I buy expensive ones escapes me. Oh, right, the camera…the one I currently cannot pull any photos…

Free flying

Oh my, my, how I had forgotten the joy to be found in driving – particularly driving a responsive, well-functioning vehicle where gauges and issues did not have to be monitored. It’s glorious. You feel one with the car. The radio playing classic sounds – The Cranberries, Aerosmith, The Beatles, Panic at the Disco, Plain…

What do *I* want to do?

A friend of mine recently said ” It doesn’t matter what anyone else wants, what do YOU want to do?”  I thought back to what my goals were before Plannus Interruptus (common ailment for plans, no doctor needed).  Remember nearly five years ago when I bought an RV and planned on paying off debt and…

Looking Back Over My Shoulder -Humanities at (roughly) 450 mph

(Oooh, a fragmented lost in draft post, just found, from earlier this year) Now that was a catchier title than “Getting to know  my fellow air travelers”, was it not? Feet firmly back on the ground from vacation, I’ve been in hibernation from over-socialization. It isn’t that anyone was rude or intentionally draining either. I…

Surviving Face Off, Black Tie Frenzy and Plain Life

Wise words of the day: Image lifted from: via Pinterest. In case the deafening silence did not clue you in, the months leading up to surgery were quite a struggle for me, and I wrestled with depression, the reality of being alone and often invisible, the roles I fill in the family circle and a…

Is there life offline?

So what, you may ask, can one DO when there is no internet to absorb, delight, educate, aggravate and titillate? If you are a geeky person like me, you read. Yes, those book things that we house in places called libraries and line up in bookstores filled with the intoxicating aroma of, well, probably glue,…

Notes from an RV Park

It has been a stretch of interesting days.  I’m not certain how my life always seems to amble along like a comedy, but it does most of the time. It could be that I am just silly 🙂 I ran up against a wall this week that I’ve not encountered ever I don’t think, since…

Thankful Thoughts

 Photo Credit:    “The Book of Life” – Artist David Kracov If I had a lot of money, I would so purchase this piece of sculpture. It is metal, and each butterfly is hand-painted. The book contains diary pages, poetry and notes written by the children of Auschwitz. I find it haunting and incredibly…

7.25.14 Friday Frivolous Foolishness

Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit’s Friday 🙂  You get only a small ‘wooT’ out of me because I am plum tuckered out.  International clients were in house for the last four days, so the office was all atwitter and off schedule due to excess meeting-itis, kow-tow-itis and general executive angst. It all ended well, so, you know “All’s well…

7.18.14 Friday Frivolous Foolishness

Did you hear that sound just now?  Kind of like a deflating balloon, that weird ‘Eeeeeeiiiiiiiiii’ with a whoosh accompanying it?  I think that was my energy.  Yes, it is FRIDAY, and not one minute too soon I might add. I may have to change the title to Friday Frazzles & Frustrations if something in…

7.4.14 Friday Frivolous Foolishness

Ahhhhhhhhh.  A non-work day.  A later-than-normal-alarm-set day.  It is greatly needed, as the work week was incredibly demanding, covering a co-worker for PTO, in addition to my normal duties.  Plus, the Boss was also off.  Fun times! As such, there was not much frivolity this week.  More like frustrations, vexation and the like.  But, there…

Sunday Snippets 6.28.14

I’m here cooling off after running around snapping shots in the humid heat for this week’s photo challenge over at my most recent newborn activity, my photo-focus blog: My Digital Eye Queue  I’ll still include shots that add value here in my writing, but some folks don’t want to slog through my verbosity, they just want…

First Friday Frivolous Foolishness

I have a wickedly honed but weird sense of humor.  When I worked in a ‘pod’ of co-workers, we used to have team conference calls which often were, well, a drag.  My self-assigned task would often be to pull innuendo or irony out of the conversation while on mute, and make up word play, which…