Category: Solitude

Observation Post

The last few weeks have proven to be fertile ground for candid people shots, and photography in general. Landscape and nature photography were always my safe spaces. Leaves, bees and other things never seem to mind my peek into their worlds. My fellow humans, though, that is another story altogether. I try to find non-identifying…

The Little House That Could

She’s damp, dark and cold, with dead leaves scattered in and around doorways and windows that don’t quite shut all the way. But she stands just as I left her – in disarray from hurried packing. Freshly decorated rooms with art both purchased and created hanging on the walls, candles arrayed on platters waiting to…

Maiden Journey – First Run

‘Tis done. I’m now traveling in my new-to-me rig. After tires, brakes, differential fluid and new batteries for solar, I was a lot lighter than when I arrived to pick up the little E-Nuff bus, wallet wise, lol. First stop was, aptly, Hope, ID. What a beautiful place for the first real road camping I…

Free flying

Oh my, my, how I had forgotten the joy to be found in driving – particularly driving a responsive, well-functioning vehicle where gauges and issues did not have to be monitored. It’s glorious. You feel one with the car. The radio playing classic sounds – The Cranberries, Aerosmith, The Beatles, Panic at the Disco, Plain…

Pack and Play

After almost two weeks of talking mainly to myself, plants, and inanimate objects, I need some socialization. Yes, an introvert just wrote that sentence. I too, am surprised. I’ve figured out that introversion is how I process the information I take in over time, but it doesn’t really define my personality type, now that my…

Life is hard

The wonderful thing about Google photos is that it sends you reminders of where you were x years ago and what you were doing. Well, sometimes it’s wonderful; other times, painful. Today it reminded me of where I was five years ago. I was camping, alone, down in Florida, under another full moon. I hiked…

“I’m all alone, with no one beside me..”(Donkey in Shrek)

And so it goes! After traversing Arizona moving south and westward, I finally arrived at the RVing Nirvana known as Quartzsite, or “Q”, as one mountainside proclaims visually. I had seen a video or three on this place. Seemed cool enough. However, after having the freedom of truly boondocking, this is just a leetle different…

What do *I* want to do?

A friend of mine recently said ” It doesn’t matter what anyone else wants, what do YOU want to do?”  I thought back to what my goals were before Plannus Interruptus (common ailment for plans, no doctor needed).  Remember nearly five years ago when I bought an RV and planned on paying off debt and…

“Pooh hasn’t much Brain but he never comes to any harm…”

The Unexamined Life is Not Worth Living A decade. One hundred and twenty months. Three thousand six hundred and fifty days. And so on.  The pain of missing has diminished, except on the days when it has not. Those days have at least become less and less frequent. Philosopher and Poet David Whyte says of…

Floundering for Words

I always have words.  Words to write, words to say when given a chance.  And I am full of them now too – well, thoughts actually would be more accurate. What does one write on a death anniversary, when writing is simply what one does? Does it make others uncomfortable? I don’t know too many…

Free Flow

It is no mystery to those close to me that this is a difficult time.  What follows is simply another free flow writing I did, similar to “Skin Tight” a few months ago. ****************************** It is trying to try, try and try again. It wearies and robs the soul of happiness that it is its…

Stone Cold?

In the not too distant past, a male friend remarked that I am ‘emotionally cold.’  Another said “You are a self-contained package, needing nothing, from all appearances.”  Am I, I wondered? It isn’t the first time that I’ve heard those words; they echo a sentiment my late husband once struck me with during a heartfelt…

MRSA…and the festivity ensues

Edited 5/13/14 – Update post Primary Care visit. I am leaving this topic up, although the resoundingly good news from my PC is that I do NOT have MRSA.  YAY!  I do have a lesser issue bacterial infection, probably picked up at one of the previously suspected locations.  Starting with a receptionist that had no…

“I went into the woods…”

It is almost time.  My apartment looks worse than usual (tiny thing that it is) because of all of the camping gear staged around.  Tarps. Sleeping bag. Sleeping mat. Food bags. Hiking boots.  Portable generators.  Chargers. And so it goes.  Looking at all of the ‘stuff’, I thought that possibly ‘primitive camping trip’ might perhaps…

Finally feeling better, yay!

I don’t really need fussing over when I’m sick.  In fact, I prefer to be left alone for the most part.  But it would be nice to have a flower, or some soup made, or something.  I worked all week even though I was sick.  At least in my job, I can work from home…

Beauty and the beast

  This has been a tough week for me.  Thankfully, although I live in the city for now, I still have places that I can feast my eyes on woods, water, wildlife and other things that bring me peace.  I miss the quiet of the woodlands, the really dark nights, the opportunity to have a…